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Emancipet's Own Pet



Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Does my pet need to be spayed or neutered?
  2. How old does my pet need to be?
  3. What is the cost?
  4. Since you provide low-cost services, do you use supplies of a lesser quality?
  5. Is the surgery painful?
  6. How does the mobile clinic work?
  7. Do you provide vaccinations for pets who are not receiving the surgery?

Does my pet need to be spayed or neutered?

The female sterilization procedure is known as spaying. Males are neutered. Because spaying is more complicated, the cost is typically a little bit higher than neutering.

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How old does my pet need to be?

Pets as young as three months old can have the surgery with no ill effects. If females are spayed before their first heat (which usually occurs when they are five to six months old), breast cancer can be almost completely prevented. So the sooner the better.

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What is the cost ?

  • Female dog - $30
  • Male dog - $25
  • Female cat - $20
  • Male cat - $15. 

There is an extra $10 charge if a female is in heat or pregnant at the time of surgery. For a full breakdown of costs of services see the Services Page.

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Since you provide low-cost services, do you use supplies of a lesser quality?

We use the highest quality suture materials, anesthesia, anesthesia monitoring and instruments. Every animal's surgery is done with a freshly sterilized surgery pack. There is no significant difference from a standard veterinary clinic.

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Is the surgery painful?

Yes, the surgery is painful. For this reason we offer a post-operative pain medication that lasts for 24 hours. There is an extra $10 charge for this injection.

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How does the mobile clinic work?

The Mobile Spay-Neuter Clinic is driven to a location in Austin or a nearby community for the day. Pets are dropped off between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. There is some paperwork that needs to be filled out, then pets are left for the day. They are ready for pick up from 5-5:30 p.m.

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Do you provide vaccinations for pets who are not receiving surgery?

Due to space and staff limitations we are only able to vaccinate animals who are having surgery.

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